Can I get my check engine light diagnosed for free? The question I would ask is would you trust someone who would do it for free or should you? Today’s vehicles are complex electronic technical machines that have nothing in common with our parent’s cars...
Dave Facciuto
The Federal trade commission and the Magnuson-Moss Act
A customer recently commented to us about seeing a regular amount of Mini Cooper automobiles in our facility for service. He remarked to us that he had been taking his Mini Cooper sedan to Portland for routine service. Now for those of you not familiar with our...
Hydrogen Fuel Cell Technology
Once again it appears Toyota is leading the way in this new ground breaking technology. Although almost all the major auto manufacturers in the world today are working on some sort of fuel cell technology, it appears Toyota will be the first mass produced hydrogen...
Brake Rotor Resurfacing
Brake rotor resurfacing has been around a long time, since about the mid 1960's when disc brakes started becoming standard fare on automobiles. Most shops would purchase a brake lathe in order to service brakes that had disc rotors to produce a premium finish on...
Energy Consumption and the VW Emissions Scandal
I’ve tried for the last few months to get some detailed information as to exactly the amounts of pollutants the VW diesels are putting out but the numbers are actually pretty vague. So how much are they polluting? Well I have yet to find actual numbers but we’re...
October is Car Care Month!
Here are some tips to get your car ready for winter check your tires' tread life and pressures have your antifreeze protection level tested check your heater function and cabin filter make sure all your fluid levels and filters are good check your maintenance schedule...
Air Conditioning Refrigerant – What’s in your Car?
Who cares? You might ask. All I care about: Is it cold? Well, the EPA for one cares and generally we do care when it comes to the atmosphere and what we are breathing. Trust me I’m the last one to want more regulation in our industry but...
10 Things you should know about your tires
Tire pressure: The tire pressure on the door jamb is for the tires your vehicle came with when new. Although this can be a guide, use the sidewall rated pressures on your tires. You will get longer life and better gas mileage Rotate your tires every 5000 miles....
Extended Warranties: Are they worth it?
On the short and simple side NO! Now I need to qualify that answer by saying that it has been my experience over 40 years of servicing autos that there have been occasions where our customer who purchased the product came out ahead by buying an extended...