Safety Recalls
Recently a customer asked me about the current air bag safety recall concerning his vehicle and was concerned whether or not his vehicle was involved. If you were not aware about 7.8 million vehicles, made by 10 different automakers, have been recalled to...
The Modern day Tune Up
In the automotive world the modern day tune up is quite different than in your father's day or your grandfathers day. Gone are points and condensers, distributor caps and rotors, carburetors etc. We still have spark plugs to change although the intervals on some...
Key fobs and Spock
Interesting fact! Sounds like a Jedi mind trick! Holding a remote car key fob to your head doubles its range because the human skull acts as an amplifier!
Gasoline Direct Injection
Gasoline direct injected engines or GDI is the new standard for efficiency in the modern fuel injected engine of today’s automobiles. Fuel efficiency is the main attribute of this new design. Simply put the fuel is injected directly into the combustion chamber instead...
Fall 2014 Coupons
Our latest coupons; lets get ready for the bad weather! Click on thumbnail to see full image.
Did you know?
Did you Know? The car of the future needs a driver's license. We've heard of self-driven cars being tested, but did you know that they will need their own special license to be used on the open road? Nevada was the first state in the US to authorize self-driven cars...
Shopping Local
Thanks to the gang at ASP auto parts. I won this GOPRO in their latest promotion. It pays to shop local!
Staying Ahead of the Technology Curve
We are staying ahead of the technology curve! Just ordered new tablets for all techs and service writers to go completely digital with inspection forms and technician worksheets. More efficient service for our customers! Stay tuned...
Vehicles and Potholes
With spring upon us and icy roads having done their freeze thaw damage there will be automobiles in the US roads that have alignment issues and even suspension damage from potholes in the road surfaces. Be sure to have you vehicle checked by a qualified auto...